Things You Must Know About the Pesticides

As a healthy consumer, knowing what not to consume is equally important as what to consume. And when you are conscious about yourself and your family's health, make sure you are aware of eating healthy and switching to organic.
The Dangers of Pesticides in Food
Pesticides are a very commonly used term and these are chemicals that kill pests and other insects. They can be sprayed on crops, or used in homes to kill cockroaches, fleas, and other insects. Pesticides have been around for many years now and have been very effective in preventing crop loss due to pests. However, there are some serious health risks associated with using these chemicals.
Pesticide use has increased dramatically over the years because of their effectiveness at killing harmful organisms such as bacteria or fungi (which cause disease), weeds (that compete with crops for nutrients), and insects that feed on plants; however, there are many negative effects associated with pesticide use including:
Increased risk of cancer - Cancer is caused when cells grow abnormally in your body due to damage from something called DNA mutations which may come from exposure through inhalation or ingestion of harmful chemicals like those found within pesticides such as DDT. Studies show that farmers who work directly with pesticides have higher rates than non-farmers who work directly with them.
• Birth defects - Exposure during pregnancy may result in birth defects such as spina bifida or cleft palate.
• Hormone disruption - Pesticides affect estrogen receptors in the body, which is associated with reproductive problems like infertility; menstrual irregularities; early menopause; endometriosis (a painful condition affecting women's reproductive systems); polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which is a condition that causes large cysts on the ovaries which prevents them from releasing eggs properly - among others
Environmental Effects of Pesticides
Pesticides are also responsible for contaminating soil, water, and vegetation. In addition, pesticides not only kill unwanted weeds and insects, but they can also be toxic to many other organisms like birds, fishes, and several non-targeted plants.
Pesticide-Free Nutrition
If you're concerned about pesticides in your food, the best thing to do is eat organic and start buying organic food for a healthy life. Explore the House of Veda Organic Products and feel the difference in your health. In addition, you will also be able to help protect the environment and prevent the use of harmful chemicals on our crops.
Don't wash fresh fruit or vegetables before eating them! Washing increases the absorption of pesticides into the food because it washes away some of its protective outer layer that keeps out pesticides from penetrating into its fleshy insides where they belong. Instead, just rinse them with water if necessary; otherwise, leave everything alone until after cooking time comes around again.
Organic foods are much healthier!
The healthiest option is to buy organic. Organic foods are free of pesticides, chemicals, and antibiotics. They contain fewer hormones and GMOs (genetically modified organisms) than conventional foods do. Plus, they don't contain artificial ingredients or dyes that have been linked to health problems like cancer or ADHD.
The bottom line is that pesticides are harmful to our bodies and our planet. We can all do our part by eating organic foods and using natural products instead of synthetic ones.