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Why It is Important to Soak Lentils Before Cooking

Lentils are cooked in every Indian home. However, the process of cooking is different and varies from person to person. But something common is the washing of lentils 2-3 times before cooking them. Nevertheless, do you know the significance of soaking the pulses? Although many of us follow this practice, most of us are not aware of the fact and science behind soaking beans and dal. If you are going to cook beans or lentils, try soaking them overnight first. Soaking Organic Pulses not only increases the nutritional value of pulses but also reduces cooking time and improves digestibility.

Let’s discuss the point in detail. 

Soaking pulses increases their nutritional value of pulses

When you soak pulses, you unlock their natural goodness by making them more bioavailable, releasing nutrients that would otherwise be unavailable to our bodies in their raw state.

Soaking reduces the cooking time

  • Soaking makes pulses more pliable and easier to cook.
  • Soaking reduces cooking time by up to 50%.
  • It does not affect the nutritional value of pulses, but it does make them easier to digest.

Soaking improves digestibility 

The process of soaking pulses also helps to increase their digestibility and reduces the Phytic Acid Content. Phytic acid is a natural inhibitor of some enzymes, including those needed for protein digestion. It can also cause indigestion and constipation by binding with minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc.

Soaking Pulses helps to break down this anti-nutrient, along with other anti-nutrients like saponins. Saponins are naturally occurring compounds found in plants that have been shown to have some toxic effects on humans when consumed in large amounts. However, when soaked properly before cooking they are reduced significantly!

Soaking unlocks the natural goodness of lentils

Soaking makes the pulses bioavailable by releasing nutrients that would otherwise be unavailable to our bodies in the raw state.

Nutrients are released during soaking and absorbed into your bloodstream. This is why you feel better after eating soaked pulses, as they have been pre-digested so you can absorb them more easily into your body.

It makes pulses milder in taste and easier to digest

Soaking pulses also makes them more digestible and nutritious.

  • It makes the pulses milder in taste, which is especially useful if you're cooking for children or those with sensitive stomachs.
  • It reduces the fibre content slightly, making them easier to cook without splitting or falling apart (though this will depend on how long you soak them).

If you are going to cook beans or pulses, try soaking them overnight first!

If you are going to cook beans or lentils, try soaking them overnight first. Soaking makes them easier to digest and reduces cooking time, but the main benefit is that it unlocks the natural goodness by making it more bioavailable, releasing nutrients that would otherwise be unavailable to our bodies in the raw state.

Just cover your pulses with water and leave them at room temperature for a few hours (or overnight). Then drain them thoroughly before cooking as normal - this can be done easily by placing a colander over a bowl and pouring them into it; if they don't all fit at once, just do half at a time until all your pulses are drained!
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